Monday, March 12, 2007

Oh Hillary

Hillary Clinton is particularly upset about Halliburton's latest. The government's decision to permit Halliburton without competition to devour so much of the multi-billion dollar fund available for Iraq's so-called reconstruction was bad, yes. But now, if you can believe it, Halliburton wants to open up shop in - Oh Lord - Dubai! Where the heck is that again? Somewhere over there, near all those Middle Eastern and Asian countries that are taking all our jobs away, or were responsible for 9/11, or otherwise need a dose of good-old American values.

Somebody in Hillary's campaign has decided this is just the hook they need to rub the Republican's nose in the muck. How dare Halliburton take all that money off to Dubai? One supposes that it all would have been fine if the Halliburton HQ were to remain squarely in Texas, where the US Government has been so effective at overseeing Halliburton to date (that is, if rudely generous bank deposits = oversight).

Good stuff indeed, and once again confidence instilling. Successful campaigns know how to pick their battles. Must be Hillary is running for the town welcoming committee.

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