Monday, March 12, 2007

Oh Andy

So Andy Rooney goes on TV last night (CBS' 60 Minutes) to say that he thinks the USA should re-institute the draft. He thought he'd never say that, having hated being drafted himself in 1941. But he can't seem to stand the thought of the USA being "represented" in Iraq (or other places in wartime) by the "bottom of the barrel" of our society - folks who are not even high school graduates (heavens) or, worse, convicted criminals.

Agreed - how must an Iraqi militant or civilian look down his/her nose at the fellow with a gun at that nose, since that fellow so obviously didn't even earn a high school diploma? Ouch. How the USA is suffering.

Andy seems to have stopped THINKING on this subject, no? He seems inexplicably unwilling to consider that the entire Iraq war enterprise just might be more of a driver of Iraqi disdain for the US than the (lack of) education of the US soldiers ever could be. That the President's administration is widely considered to scorn education. That there may be an unfortunate perceived parallel between that scorn and the armed "representation" Andy has in Baghdad.

Sorry Andy. Perhaps a softer arm chair would help ease the pain?

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