Monday, June 25, 2007

My Celebrity-Induced Summer Vacation

Well I think I can take a break for a while. There's nothing I can do on this page - by way of getting folks to think about the world and its real inter-connections - that can't be accomplished better by a celebrity or two showing up in some far-flung land. It might be Richard Gere relentlessly forcing a tonsil-hockey kiss on an Indian Bollywood star a few weeks ago. Or it might be Cameron Diaz showing up in Peru's Machu Pichu yesterday carrying a bag with the Maoist slogan of the Shining Path Guerrilla Movement plastered on it. Either way, the related headlines make the point, and they do so in a way that resonates with the majority of folks who follow pop culture.

I could produce pages of drivel, post after post, about the importance of understanding other cultures and other business and political environments, and about ways to interact with them productively. I could recite many examples, including counter intuitive (for the US audience) proposals for addressing many global issues. I could explain the success and failures of inter-governmental relations and cross-border business dealings. I could draw from liberal arts education and practical business experience. I could really dazzle.

But let's be honest. Nothing that comes from my pen will ever hit as hard as the images and footage of Richard awkwardly bending that actress over backwards or Cameron blankly looking around, flashing a deadly terrorist slogan on her in-vogue shoulder bag. Not that I am bitter or jealous or anything. You know me, progress is good, regardless of how incremental and regardless of its source. No I'm just fine with these realities. I do think I am ready for a summer break though.

Seen any good movies lately?

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