Friday, April 6, 2007

Oh Dick

So Dick Cheney remains a dog with a bone. Saddam was cooperating with Al-Qaeda, no really. Really, he was.

This latest pronunciation comes on the heels of yet more DoD evidence that Saddam was in fact not cooperating with Al-Qaeda. Dick, that's your own DoD. If you ain't got them, who have you got? And what is the limit on your perception of the stupidity of the US voters?

That Dick could engage in this 1984-speak, without material consequence - other than appearing utterly out of touch to anybody who is thinking (a trivial loss) - is just amazing. That he would choose to pursue the subject some three-four years after the idea was discredited wholesale is also pretty amazing. There must be something for Dick to gain from the step. Who among us knows what it is?

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